Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Kena Tipu -.-"
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Not Quite Right
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Would You Sell Below Cost?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Your Food May Be Causing You Problems?
Potential Mechanisms
There are several possible mechanisms that might explain the association between a processed food diet and depression, said Dr. Akbaraly. There is some evidence of a correlation between sugar consumption and the rate of depression.
In addition, the Western diet has been associated with higher risk of coronary heart disease and inflammation, both of which have been reported to be involved in the pathogenesis of depression.
"Many processes such as oxidative stress processes, or insulin resistance processes, could be involved," said Dr. Akbaraly, adding that further research is needed to determine exactly how refined foods might affect risk for depression.
As for how a "whole" food diet might protect against depression, such a diet includes fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants — nutrients that have been shown to reduce risk for depression.
In addition, the diet includes many foods including cruciferous vegetables, leafy vegetables, and other vegetables and dried legumes that are a rich source of folate. Previous research has shown that low levels of folate may affect levels of neurotransmitters that may be involved in depression. This diet also includes lots of fish, a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids that might also reduce the incidence of depression.
It seems every other day some new study pops up and tells us something we more or less already know - watch what you eat! Or eat more vege and fruits and cut down on fast food and all that processed food like chips or keropok and soft drinks.
Being a fan of fast food myself, I can assure you that there is a way to get around this situation amicably. I believe that if you watch what you eat 80% of the time (as in eat plenty of greens, fruits and healthy lean meat and yes, avoid taking too much refined carbs), then you can let loose 20% of the time.
I once had a dinner with a professional rugby player, and he mentions that 6 days a week he maintains a strict nutritional regiment and 1 day a week he eats to his heart's desire. So assuming you eat 3 meals a day, that's 3/21 x 100 = roughly 15%. So for him its more like 85/15. Obviously we are not athletes and we have no need to follow their strict discipline, so I think we can cut some slack and allow ourselves 75/25. So based on this simple mathematical equation, if I eat KFC 5 times per week, that will mean 5/21 x 100 = 24% only and I still can have some extra wedges on top of that!
Colonel : Come dine with me 5 times a week! Heheheh!
This is something like the Pareto Principle, more popularly known as the 80-20 rule, which states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. An example is 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population. Or 80% of your sales come from 20% of your clients. Or 80% of your illnesses is caused by....errr....hmmm....errrr....never mind. I don't think we need to dwell too much on that.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009
Beautiful Korea
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I'm Turning Green
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Forsaken Ones

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
My Two -Faced Plant
The leaves were drooping, the flowers didn't look like flowers anymore and if you listen closely I think it was trying to commit suicide. A discussion with the Mrs led to us watering it more, changing its soil and moving it to a different location (cause we thought that maybe...just maybe...the conditions were to harsh in that particular spot) but it still looked the same. And no, I was not about to start talking to the plant in a last ditch attempt to show some TLC.
Now normally I don't notice the plant much in the morning as I normally rush to get to work but a while back, I noticed that it seems to be looking better in the morning. its just circadian rhythm at work after all. However, the flowers are still non-existent. Any suggestions? Fertilisers?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Is Usain Bolt cheating?
Yes you heard me right! His stellar performance left a big impression in many of the audience. In fact its almost too good to be true...setting the world record at 9.69s (Aug 16, 2008) last year in Beijing, then shaving off quite a considerable amount from that time the following year. Before the Olympics he had set the record at 9.72s (May 31, 2008) beating Asafa Powell's 9.74s. Some are saying that his antics of celebrating before reaching the finishing line in the Olympics last year are done so deliberately to prevent any suspicions had the margin of victory been too big (9.5+s vs previous record of 9.72s).
So did he really cheat? Can anyone really run that fast? He has never failed any drug tests so far though the same can't be said about his compatriots, who later were cleared. We all have our doubts as to this issue, knowing how Marion Jones had never tested positive though she admitted to using banned substances.
Unfortunately, this doping issue is really taking the thunder away from athletes who deserve the glory of victory.Though many offer congratulations and praise to the victor, there are suspicions lingering in the air.
I suggest to the IAAF then to legalise doping. Its a logical solution. You go on with your normal athletics event, then you hold another one on the side and call it the Specially Enhanced Olympics or the ones the disabled have. There are many benefits to this.
1. Your athletes can be free of suspicions and champions can really declare that they did it all by themselves.
2. On the other hand, dopers can have their own stage...meaning you are drawing more people into the sport.
3. Savannah Sanitoa can finish the 100m in under 10seconds (LINK)

4. You can patent and market the products that dopers use - IAAF approved stimulant pills, Rectal Turbo Booster, etc...
5. 100m dash in under 5 seconds!!!

Previous articles on Usain - Bolt: Breakfast of Champions
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Hillary Billary: Lost in translation

Clinton looked surprised when she first heard the translation in the headset, and then sharply replied, "You want me to tell you what my husband thinks? My husband is not the secretary of state, I am. You ask my opinion. I will tell you my opinion; I'm not going to channel my husband."
Lots of political commentators have pounced on her remarks and have even questioned her emotional capacity to handle the job as secretary of state. In fact when she decided to run for public office, I'm sure her advisors would have told her that the biggest challenge that she has to face is to step out of Bill's enormous shadow. After all her husband had been the most powerful man in the world for 8 years... so when she the translator accidentally mentioned her husbands name, I guess she snapped.
No, I don't think she should have burst out like that, but I can understand why she did...
And he returned him... kesian you Hillary.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Can't beat this guy
By Jeanette Wang |
His wife, Bawani Arumoh, knows about it, but does not mind.
In fact, their lives revolve around this third party, whose presence dominates the couple's flat and whose name is proudly etched on his gold wedding ring.
'I love Liverpool more than my wife,' Vikinisvaran, 31, declared on Saturday of his romance with the English football club.
Bawani, 29, remains nonchalant about her husband's shared affection, calling it a 'healthy obsession'.
The Sunday Times calls him Singapore's craziest Liverpool fan, after receiving more than 700 contest entries in the past two weeks. Vikinisvaran clinched the grand prize of two training passes and four match tickets for Liverpool's visit here this week with his insanity.
The couple, who met 15 years ago as schoolmates at St Thomas Secondary, had a Liverpool-themed engagement in 2005. Against the backdrop of the club crest, Vikinisvaran recited his wedding vows, ending with an echo of the promise of the 18-time league champions: 'We'll Never Walk Alone.'
Then came their traditional wedding ceremony in 2006, which saw a whole page of the invitation card plastered with Liverpool's crest. White wedding garlands were passed among relatives to be blessed, but not before a bright red stamp of approval from the club's acronym 'LFC'.
Home is in Toh Guan, but you would be forgiven if you thought it was Anfield. Flags, coasters, clocks, posters, placemats, mugs, rugs, pillows, bedsheets, curtains... you name it, and they have got it as official Liverpool merchandise.
Decked out head-to-toe in official Liverpool clothing - a daily ritual, even under his work uniform - Vikinisvaran on Saturday shared his desire to have two sons. 'One called Gerrard,' said the container handling specialist, 'and the other Torres.'
Friday, July 10, 2009
I declare war
The House has a Garden
Therefore, Ted has a Garden!
Well in an ideal world maybe...but not in reality. The last time I checked I could not recognize my backyard anymore. Weeds were sprouting everywhere, especially those that came from neighboring plots of land. There are a few options available to settle this problem. 1) Hire someone to cut everything (but this won't solve the weed problem) 2) Spray weedkillers and kill off everything 3) Just tell everyone that, yes, a weed garden is exactly what I was aiming for. Option 3 looks good...
Until it hurts to walk around...
Yea, no joke. It hurts to do the laundry outside and it hurts to just walk around. There are many types of weeds, but the two most annoying ones both come from the Mimosa family - the ones with the leaves that close whenever you touch them. One of it is the normal mimosa plant you see everywhere, but apparently this one brought its mother along.

I guess the only way to get rid of this properly is to uproot it and destroy every thing. May have to consider another type of fence that is not so porous too...
So anyone free this Sunday for some gardening? Heheh...
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Small changes make big differences
Me: Well, it actually still says that it is made in Germany.
Customer: If I am China biz man sure I put made in Germany also mah!
He did have a point though. The medicine is question was Micardis 40mg. The customer had just bought it somewhere else and he feels its not the real deal coz it looked 'funny'. I thought it was funny - not bwahahah funny but chuckle funny. There is something to this though...
The new packing is a lot bigger as seen from the pic above ( I don't have the old Micardis 40 pack anymore, but the 80mg is the same size as the older one). Inside the strip is also bigger as seen in the pic below.
This is not the first time that a change in medication packaging has caused some confusion and doubt as to the efficacy of the medication. I had a customer who complained that her Norvasc 5mg from the 100's packing was also not as effective as the one she had from the 30's packing, even though the strips and design of the box were identical to every respect except for the size.
Perhaps one of the most recent problems in this area were when there was a drastic change in the packaging for Dalacin T Solution. Both the outside and inside were very different and many regular customers actually avoided buying the new stocks for a while as it really looked so flimsy and cheap when compared to the old glass bottle that they used to be in. This was definitely to cut costs...plastic cheaper than glass.