The ghosts of taxation in Malaysia has come once again to haunt us all...have you done your taxes? You have few days left...unless of course you have a biz income. I wasn't very satisfied with my tax deductions in 2007 and began 2008 with an intention to try and reduce my income tax. One of the ways I could think of was to spend as much on books and magazines as possible, since they other options under the 'Deductions' section are more or less like that already. I spent RM440 on books and mags in 2007.
So last night I collected all my 2008 receipts and calculated...

RM439?!! Whaa?? Aiyo... I thought I really bought a lot but apparently I didn't. I guess I also forgot about it as well since the tax ghosts comes once a year only.
Well, I've spent RM235++ on books so far this year...Hopefully I will not make the same mistake as last year. Lol...