Ted has a House
The House has a Garden
Therefore, Ted has a Garden!
The House has a Garden
Therefore, Ted has a Garden!
Well in an ideal world maybe...but not in reality. The last time I checked I could not recognize my backyard anymore. Weeds were sprouting everywhere, especially those that came from neighboring plots of land. There are a few options available to settle this problem. 1) Hire someone to cut everything (but this won't solve the weed problem) 2) Spray weedkillers and kill off everything 3) Just tell everyone that, yes, a weed garden is exactly what I was aiming for. Option 3 looks good...
Until it hurts to walk around...
Yea, no joke. It hurts to do the laundry outside and it hurts to just walk around. There are many types of weeds, but the two most annoying ones both come from the Mimosa family - the ones with the leaves that close whenever you touch them. One of it is the normal mimosa plant you see everywhere, but apparently this one brought its mother along.

I guess the only way to get rid of this properly is to uproot it and destroy every thing. May have to consider another type of fence that is not so porous too...
So anyone free this Sunday for some gardening? Heheh...