So when this book arrived in the mail a few weeks back, I locked myself in my room and quietly absorbed it.

Actually there are a few pics in the book that I've remembered seeing before. The Michelle Yeoh hanging from a helicopter picture, I have that issue of National Geographic. This picture above, with the laser being shot in the eye, I'm sure I have that issue of NG somewhere as well. Back then, I didn't know who Joe McNally was, but I knew his photos. That's how powerful a photograph can be. I can't remember anything about the articles...but I still remember the photos.
The book also details some of the personal sacrifices that Joe had to make to be at the top of his game. Being on the road always as a travelling photographer means you are not always around for your family. This is probably one of the most memorable quotes in the book -
"I slid down in the seat and began to weep (for his newly-born daughter). I wept for her, for me, but mostly because the siren call of my first big story with a yellow border around it was more powerful than the call of fatherhood."
If Joe had ignored that first assignment with National Geographic, who knows what would have happened. Anyway, its a great book and an interesting read. I highly recommend this book!