It was quite late in the evening when this man approached the counter. You can smell him from quite a distance away... he had been drinking quite heavily. Either that or he had been soaking in a jacuzzi full of beer.
Uncle : 'Gi-gi-give me is know...the one for flu? Wh-wh-white colour one, quite big tablet, not sleepy wan.'
I showed him Clarinase.
Me : ' This one? Clarinase?'

Me : 'You sure its not this one? This is not Clarityne, its Clar-'
Uncle : 'Yea yea, not this one. I'm ve-very sure. Hang on let me ca-call... call my wife.'
I left the Clarinase with the box on the counter and attended to another customer while he made the call.
Uncle : '(After the call) Yea my wife said its the big, white round tablet...'
Me : '(Pointing to the box of Clarinase that was still on the counter) Is this the one? Clarinase?'
Uncle: 'Yes! This is the one! Clarinase!'
So... two facts.
Fact No. 1 Alcohol messes up with the brain's cognitive abilities and renders it ineffectual. Its like a train that pulls up a few metres short of the station - no one can get on or off to make use of it.
Fact No. 2 Nothing sobers a man more (and/or faster) than a conversation with his wife.