Digi has caused lots of speculation and anticipation since it first announced that it will be selling the iPhone quite a while back.

Encik Leher-Penyu explaining how all our wallets are belong to him
Think about it. That's the reason why there are clearance sales. It's not that nobody wants the products but rather not many people are willing to fork out the cash for the retail price, but if it were sold for less...they may just be convinced to get it. So even though we cry and have vivid wet dreams at night over the iPhone, when Encik L-P with his Levi501 blue jeans walks up on stage and shows us his latest gimmick, we look him in the eyes and say 'Hah! We're not buying one.' Encik L-P will be negatively affected by this given his health considerations and will decide to relent and sell the iPhone cheap cheap till they are as worthless as Po Chai Pills.
Ok so that will not work. In a stare out game with Apple, I blinked first and bought myself the iPhone. I am at your mercy, master...I'm not worthy... Yes master? The iPad? Ok I'll order three now...