Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Taking a break
Will be in KL from tomorrow, 29th of August till 3rd of September. Anyone want to go shooting give me a call.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Urine and Shit
Customer: Give me the pills for urine and shit.
Me: Uhhh...urine and shit?
Customer: Ya ya, one strip one. Painkiller...
Me: Did you say painkiller for urine and shit??
Customer: Yes.
Me: You remember the name of the medicine? The color maybe ...
Customer: I know its pink one for urine and shit...you know...for gout.
Me: Ooooh...URIC ACID! (Aiyo...everyone's a comedian in Sabah)
[Do check out similar post: http://tedearl.blogspot.com/2007/07/free-gift.html]
Me: Uhhh...urine and shit?
Customer: Ya ya, one strip one. Painkiller...
Me: Did you say painkiller for urine and shit??
Customer: Yes.
Me: You remember the name of the medicine? The color maybe ...
Customer: I know its pink one for urine and shit...you know...for gout.
Me: Ooooh...URIC ACID! (Aiyo...everyone's a comedian in Sabah)
[Do check out similar post: http://tedearl.blogspot.com/2007/07/free-gift.html]
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
18SX: Nude photos
Was having a discussion with fellow photographer WSPang yesterday about shooting creatively with lighting and somehow the topic turned to this. Since we are young photographers who push our art to the ...er....limits of creativity, I thought of giving this a shot. Please be warned, anyone under 18, you know what to do ah. After all nude photography is a very common art practiced and appreciated by many. If you are not easily offended, carry on. If yes, you have a choice not to see ok?
So you're still here eh...Hehe. Ok I'll give you some insight to how I construct a shot. Well obviously we'll need a subject, so I'll volunteer for it this time. Next time anyone want model for me don't hesitate to let me know. We'll also need something avantgarde...something abstract, beautiful and complicated, yet appealing to art lovers. So I've decided to go for a shot of the family jewels - ball and stick. If you have no idea what I'm talking about...maybe you shouldn't be here. Heheh
Now on to the technicalities. I want to show something, yet not too much. So I've decided to shoot in the dark (also helps a lot coz my neighbors behind can see what I do very clearly wan). Based on previous shots I've had with a strobe in the dark, I guess 1/20 seconds is a good enough shutter speed and an aperture of f/9 was chosen to give it enough details. I placed an off camera flash at 1/128th power as well 45 degrees to one side and set the timer. The first shot was underexposed so the aperture was opened up to f/7.1. Still with me?
On the next shot, I got the results I was looking for. So want to see how my nude photo turned out? Heheh...scroll down.
You sure you want to see this?
Not going to sue right?

Actually its from a fruit called 'tarap' that was given to me by one of my colleagues. It looks like a jackfruit yet tastes different. So, you disappointed or relieved?
Friday, August 17, 2007
The Star paper today says they will forgive student Wee Meng Chee over his Negarakuku Rap Video (LINK), but he still has to face the law for it was against the National Anthem Act 1968. According to Nazri Abdul Aziz, “...the offence was not against the Prime Minister or Ministers concerned but against the nation.”
Very bold words...Since when have they cared for anything other than themselves? If anyone is to be tried under the law, most of the Ministers themselves will have to be accountable first for rampant corruption in the country. 'But corruption is different mah...this one is causing racial tension wor...' so you say...
In 1987, as UMNO Youth Chief, Najib defended special Malay privileges in a speech where he vowed to bathe the keris (Malay dagger) with Chinese blood. Shortly afterwards, the government launched a crackdown on extremist elements, termed Operation Lalang, although Najib was not detained. - Quote from Wikipedia
Below is another picture from not too long ago, Kerispudding as we like to call him...
The 2006 UMNO Annual General Assembly was noted for controversial statements made by several delegates, such as Hashim Suboh, who asked Hishammuddin when he would "use" the keris. - Quote from Wikipedia
Very bold words...Since when have they cared for anything other than themselves? If anyone is to be tried under the law, most of the Ministers themselves will have to be accountable first for rampant corruption in the country. 'But corruption is different mah...this one is causing racial tension wor...' so you say...
In 1987, as UMNO Youth Chief, Najib defended special Malay privileges in a speech where he vowed to bathe the keris (Malay dagger) with Chinese blood. Shortly afterwards, the government launched a crackdown on extremist elements, termed Operation Lalang, although Najib was not detained. - Quote from Wikipedia
Below is another picture from not too long ago, Kerispudding as we like to call him...
The 2006 UMNO Annual General Assembly was noted for controversial statements made by several delegates, such as Hashim Suboh, who asked Hishammuddin when he would "use" the keris. - Quote from Wikipedia
'Let he who is innocent cast the first stone...'
EDIT: Seems like Uncle Lim has also blogged on this today. LINK
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
May 13, 1969
It is an open secret that our mainstream media in Malaysia don't always report everything accurately. Does this come as a surprise to us? After all the government controls the content of what is reported.
May 13 is a book that tells of the riots that happened in Malaysia on May the 13th, 1969. It draws its facts from recently declassified documents from London's Public Record Office and in it is evidence contrary to what is written in our history books.
At only RM20, it is considered a very cheap book. Last time I checked, Popular doesn't carry it but it seems MPH does. Surprisingly its not banned in Malaysia...yet. I won't dwell much into the details of the book, but I would strongly encourage all thinking Malaysians to get a copy and read what really happened during those difficult times.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007
An evening with Brad
I've never told anyone this because I am ashamed... My half brother, Brad Pitt, yesterday dropped by KK for a visit. In our family he's probably the most useless one...
Me: How you doing brother?
Brad: Not so good lah...
Me: Why leh...?
Brad: You know lo...that Iron Lady at home...I always can't go out and have some fun one.
Me: Oh you mean Angelina 'Mata Juling'?
Brad: Abothen?
Me: You really useless you know? When i dating Angelina in high school that time I already told you what kind of person she is...dowan listen your fault la.
Anyway... as the evening went on, we discussed more about how our lives were going and he heard that I was into photography at the moment. So he asked me to take a shot of him. Here's the result...
Dei! Dei! Laugh what laugh! You think funny meh...kemaluan saya besar you know...
Me: How you doing brother?
Brad: Not so good lah...
Me: Why leh...?
Brad: You know lo...that Iron Lady at home...I always can't go out and have some fun one.
Me: Oh you mean Angelina 'Mata Juling'?
Brad: Abothen?
Me: You really useless you know? When i dating Angelina in high school that time I already told you what kind of person she is...dowan listen your fault la.
Anyway... as the evening went on, we discussed more about how our lives were going and he heard that I was into photography at the moment. So he asked me to take a shot of him. Here's the result...

Monday, August 6, 2007
Friday, August 3, 2007
Product Shoot
Recently, I've been thinking how to utilise my external flash. I've also been reading up a lot on lighting, so naturally a product shoot is in order (I've stopped long exposure shots with lighters and torchlights for the time being too coz my neighbors behind me are staring at my room - probably wondering what I'm doing ...)
This is the product shot in plain ambient lighting. Nothing too impressive.
The black cloth is actually one of my black t shirts placed on a chair.
As you can see from this shot, I switched off the lights in the room and used two sources of light. One from my external flash and the other from a torchlight lit from behind. I kind of like this shot but the wrinkles on the cloth are a bit distracting and the subject doesn't look round on the left side.
This is the product shot in plain ambient lighting. Nothing too impressive.

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