Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I was walking to my car after work on Saturday and saw this massive halo around the moon. I've heard about the moon being the brightest and biggest that day but I didn't expect to see the ring. It was awesome! Some people, when faced with such a beautiful sight like this, would be overcome emotionally, or feel a sudden desire to write poetry. Maybe even call a loved one and share the experience together. All I could think of was "Tripod! I need my tripod now! And a wide angle lens!"

After a very quick drive back, I was fumbling with the keys to the house before I realized that that the moon was going nowhere that night. In fact I didn't need to rush, I would later spend more than 10 minutes under the moonlight in the garden, experimenting with long shutter speeds and generously feeding the mosquitoes.

There is beauty everywhere, even in the ordinary and mundane, if you care to look for it.


Purple poppy said...

Ha.. like your immediate reaction when you saw the "halo moon ". =p

Ya, there are beauty everywhere, it is just that you are willing to discover and appreciate it or not =)

Ted said...

Yes tat's right, see whether you wan to appreciate or not.very well said.