Tuesday, October 26, 2010

2010 New Year Resolutions - Kao Tim!

Earlier this year I set two goals to focus on for 2010.

1) Get six packs.
2) Blog at least 50 times this year.

The six packs are there (though they show up on a part time basis. They're also a bit shy and may require some flexing and adept positioning of lights to see clearly - but its there trust me!) and this is my 51st blog post for this year. So I think I've achieved terms to declare victory for the first time. Ever!

Hang on Ted, I thought you were going to learn to read Chinese as well?

Err... yes. I did mention that as a goal, but if you read carefully I did not mention that it has to be achieved this year *evil grin*. I did however spent the earlier months of 2010 going through some of the lessons but the habit died off somewhere in April. So its...

So what do I do with the rest of this year? The slacker in me tells me that I can pretty much stop blogging this year and eat fried chicken every other day. Fortunately, I do enjoy blogging and keeping fit so his vote is vetoed. I'll work on offering my part time six packs a full time contract before he does a Wayne Rooney.

As for next year, I'll need to plan my resolutions more carefully and specifically - with the focus on leaving as little leeway for loopholes and procrastination as possible. Oh and maybe I can have a 2 month head start on learning to read Chinese. Maybe...


Johnny Ong said...

wow, congrats..... still working on mine hehe

Ted said...

Thanks Johnny! You can do it! heheh