January has gone by so fast and uneventfully that I hardly noticed it. An evaluation on progress made to my new year resolutions were in order.
1) Get six packs
2) Blog at least 50times this year
Hmm...seems that I may have set the bar for 2010 a little bit too low. It just occurred to me that I can hit my targets tomorrow by using some marker pens (or going to buy some beer) and posting 50 nonsense blog posts (that's the problem/beauty of setting vague goals for yourselves - you have loopholes should you need to utilize them*grins*). Come December 31st 2010, will I be able to look back at this year and say with certainty that I've worked hard and achieved all that I've set out to do?
With that in mind, I think its not too late to add some new resolutions. Some considerations are...
1) Be a better man/nicer person.
One of the hardest things about setting goals about character improvement is that success is hard to measure. So let's just ditch this one... I'll work on it continuously and without a time frame.
2) Learn to swim.
Something that I've been thinking of since primary school. Unlike the previous one, results for this goal can be accurately measured - swim or sink. However the thought of going to a pool with little fabric over my loins and spending the afternoon with other 6 year olds kicking in the pool is such a put off.
3) Learn to read Chinese.
Being a Chinese and not able to read my own language is a handicap that I've endured for quite a long time. Previous efforts to rectify this problem have always ended in failure.
A book my wife bought me a few years back

Reading this two pages will take me longer than watching a footbal match
Trying to pick up a new language is never easy. It will take a lot of time and effort. Maybe I'll just stick to two new year resolutions for this year and be the guy with the great torso that has a lot of opinions. Come 2011, I'll consider working on my procrastination...
Good resolutions! I shall start to read Chinese as well!
start by reading gossip magazine..and also comics, u will learn faster.
Savante: 良好的!让我们一起学习!
Pharmalogik: I will do that eventually...I still need to see the han yi ping yin now. Hahaha
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