As I was driving home after a long day at work yesterday, I called up my wife to let her know I was coming back and bade her good night as she wanted to retire to bed earlier. Now I've made the same kind of call countless times throughout the years and they last no longer than a couple of seconds. This few seconds last night were different though, because a patrol car just happened to overtake me and caught me with my hands up (holding the phone that is). What are the odds of that?
Unfortunately I must be honest and say that I've never had a pleasant experience with our men in blue before. I've made 3 police reports in the past (two robberies and one pickpocketing) and talking to them was like being in the presence of a god. At least thats what they think they are and to remind you of that they will be unnecessarily intimidating at intervals when they feel their god-o-meter rating is slipping.
So you can imagine all this negative emotions racing through my mind as the two officers walked towards my car. Mr Sergeant opened my driver's car door gave me a big smile and said 'Good evening!' Mr L/Cpl walked around my vehicle...I guess trying to be wary in case I tried to be funny. I stepped out of the car, handed my licence and ID over when Mr Sergeant asked for it politely.
Since the two officers were really in a jovial and polite mood, I reciprocated and smiled all the way. I admitted that I was at fault and asked them for forgiveness. THEN, I WASN'T PREPARED FOR WHAT HAPPENED NEXT...
Mr Sergeant turned into Uncle Sergeant mode!!!
1) Uncle Sergeant told me he was concerned with many people who drive while talking on handphones and the accident rates speak for themselves. He advised me to get a hands free kit or if really necessary just pull over, put on the signal and take the call. He asked me how many kids I had, and to think of my loved ones should anything happen to me.
2) Uncle Sergeant shouted at Mr L/Cpl to write up a lenient sentence for me since I was a gentleman, admitted my wrong and he told me he had the right to do so. So my ticket actually states that I failed to produce my licence (which was a maximum of RM50 fine). Had I been 'kurang ajar' he said he would have whacked me with the 'using the handphone while driving' offence which would have been up to RM300. I guess asking to be let off would have been pushing it a bit.

3) Uncle Sergeant proceeded to give me some tips on how I can get a discount for the RM50 when I go to the balai -.-" Seriously.
4) Uncle Sergeant, Mr L/Cpl and I shook hands, wished each other farewell and a safe drive to our destination.
To their credit, at no point in the entire episode did they try to solicit any sort of bribe from me. Their advice was genuinely from their hearts and I could sense that they have a passion and pride for their jobs. A very rare breed of cops indeed! Yes there may be some rotten apples in the police force, but its very refreshing to have encountered these two officers. I will definitely remember these two men for the rest of my life and out of respect for Uncle Sergeant, I will definitely take his advice and not talk on the phone while driving again without a hands free.