There are many people who refuse to take medicines. I have a customer that comes very frequently to check her blood pressure. As far as I remember her reading has never dipped below 150/90. Initially, my advise for her was to meet with her doctor as soon as possible. After many times, she just refuses to listen. Nowadays, after she finds out what her reading is, she runs away before I say another word. -.-"
This sort of thing is common. If she refuses to help herself, I won't lose sleep over what she decides to do with her health. Unfortunately, I have a close friend who has the same predicament and is equally as ignorant with her health.
Having been diagnosed with hypertension by at least a few doctors a year ago (yes she has had many second opinions done already), she still believes she can get by without blood pressure meds. Frighteningly, her pressure hovers around the 170/100 range. She complains frequently of headaches and eye pain.
I've had many talks with her regarding this. I've tried reasoning with her, warning her of the risks she is taking. Such a high pressure in her system is damaging her organs on a daily basis. She has even taken care of a bedridden family member who has had a stroke - witnessing firsthand the distress and all. So you can say she is pretty well versed in all this. She knows what she is going up against but still decides to treat herself with 'herbs.' It has reached a point where anything more I say will constitute nagging.
A few days back she had such a terrible headache that she could not walk. She vomited in the car on the way to the clinic. The clinic visit revealed what she knew was wrong with her. The doctor tried to admit her to a nearby hospital but he was valiantly turned down. She went home and watched National Geographic.

The Unfinished Portrait
Former US President Franklin Roosevelt famously complained of a 'terrific headache' during a portrait session before he slumped forward in his chair and died of a stroke shortly after. The painting was never finished. I fear my friend may be willingly walking down this path as well. There's really nothing more I can do short of force feeding her the medications . I've considered putting blood pressure medications in her food...but that will mean I have to follow her around daily with a bottle of crushed Norvascs. Worse still she if she credits her improving stats to the 'herbs' which obviously don't work.
Please, all of you who have been prescribed medications, do take them. It would be very foolish to do so otherwise. You can play around with your money all you want, but don't neglect your health. The next words I say to my friend may be a 'I told you so' besides her hospital bed. Even then she may not recognize me anymore.