Thursday, May 22, 2008

Kelapa Bakar

Since WS Pang was in town recently and during the Wesak holidays, we took him and his wife out to try some kelapa bakar. We got there thanks to directions from our friend Roger.
Hmm...sorry for the blown background. Heheh

The coconuts are 'cooked' in a metal drum for around 30-45 minutes...looks disgusting

Ready to drink.

This batch will be made into coconut jelly. They will pour the agar agar inside and cool it.

Lokan. Some kind of shell thing.

Lokan panggang.

And the finished product. Ginger is added into it and it is served with a lime+chili dip.

At the end of it all, it was probably a mistake to drink kelapa bakar at 2pm on a very sunny afternoon. We were the only ones around who probably ordered the kelapa bakar at that time. Anyway, some things are worth trying at least once.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Invest in a potbelly

Real estate to expensive for you to invest? Here's another solution!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Talking crap...

Many people know I like to talk rubbish...(not all the time though)

Let me show you all something.

BERNAMA report dated April 16 2008The highlighted section there says :


The country's existing rice stockpile plus the imports, is reported to be enough until September this year. "


Now let's look at what is in the news today.

BANGKOK (Thomson Financial) - Thailand said on Thursday it would provide 500,000 tonnes of rice to Malaysia in an emergency purchase as the latter's national stockpile would last only 15 days.


Please BERNAMA, send your guys to come and meet me and I'll teach them how to talk rubbish properly.